URGENT đŸ”„ Sounding the Alarm

Apr 14, 2021 2:16 am

Dear Friends

It's been a whirlwind to say the least...Many of you have inquired my whereabouts and I thank you all for your kind thoughts for my wellbeing. Also, thank you for joining my list - I will do my best to send relevant and time-sensitive Calls To Action your way (with some help from my supporters). Consider this my official rebound announcement.

I plan to be louder than ever because these times call for it. This is humanity's last hurrah and we will not be silent and I plan to make sure of that. Please watch and share my recent video that was of course removed from FB and YT - but a few folks captured it and put it up on Bitchute.


We will not be morphing our school campuses into COVID vaccine centers for experimental vaccine experiments...We will NOT be part of the study. We do not consent. Please share widely.


Here is the link to latest Call To Action video from the past 24 hours.


I look forward to seeing many of you on the ARISE Tour that I have the honor to be participating in along with Sacha Stone and many notable others - over 90 stops in 111 days. More details on that coming soon!

Stay Vigilant for Truth đŸ”„

Leigh Dundas

avatar Juli
Thank you for your heroic stand for the vulnerable and for freedom! I salute you!
avatar Teresa
Can wait to meet you in person!!! We were all born for this time. You are a trailblazer and Lightbearer. Thank you, Leigh?
avatar Christian
divided we fall, UNITED WE STAND!- WE GOT THIS.
avatar T
THANK YOU for standing up for us
avatar NPM the 1st
Would you be able to share any of the links to the EUA application you referenced where the animal (Ferret) trial information is found. My search only discovered human trials conducted by Ensemble, I believe. Excellent courageous work on behalf of those kids btw
avatar Dawn
Leigh..... Thank you for everything you do. I am a total fan. Like if you ran for President, I'd significantly reduce my work hours to work on your campaign. I look forward to your updates and helping any way I can. I too screenshot this last speech. Brilliant. Impassioned. Empowering. Thank you for Everything you do. Much Love & respect from Dawn in Wyoming.
avatar Tracy Wellons
Seeking attorney for civil rights case in California.
avatar Dr. Tam Nguyen
You are an awesome advocate, Ms. Leigh Dundas!? Thanks God to have you fighting for American rights. Can I join your team to provide my professional hospital medicine experiences and expertise to fight for same cause? Thanks for advocating, ?❀??
avatar Kate hanson
I love your presentation to the school board regarding vaccinations. Is it possible to get a transcript of what you said? We are in Montana and although my kids are grown, I am helping with the fight for the children. Thank you
avatar Beverly
Thank you for standing up to the people trying to take away our freedom and liberty! You are an inspiration. I saw you in Tulsa.
avatar Tal Gill
avatar Carlene
Thank you for your powerful heartfelt message on the Health and Freedom conference on 4\17\21. I shout a loud Amen to for your victory against illegal vaccinations in the schools. Your truly a mama bear. I'm looking forward to standing with you as an advocate for our religious freedoms in our country to protect our citizens and our children. I pray our Lord Jesus Christ will send His guardian angels to protect you and your staff against any evil that tries to come against. Traveling mercies to you and your crew. God Bless You Abundantly.
avatar Sherrill
My granddaughter has been accepted at Chapman!!!!!! My daughter just had both of them get their first shots!!!!! My husband and I are not getting shots for the reasons you share. They live in Massachusetts we live in Ontario, Canada (my husband is a Canadian). My daughter and granddaughter are flying to Chapman to check it out as well as University of Iowa. I am praying for Gods will as to where she will attend collage.....May God's will be done!!!!
avatar Catherine
Excellent! Well said! I wish we have 10,000 of you.
avatar donald
please look at the logos of orange county california uniformed officers when i grew up the logo was one orange in the seal! now it three! I looked into this. The difference is the answer to the problem the single orange is for Orange county . the tripe oranges is for the county OF Orange! the elected goverment has be sold out to the administrators of the county The private takeover as private managers instead of elected government Proof is right their in the seals of each!
avatar Louise Cournoyer
Fantastic Leah, we live in Clearwater and not CA (I'm glad) but we have the same challenges. Thank you for what you do. Love you!
avatar Anne Stenehjem
We need a justice warrior like you in Santa Clara County. Our Board of Supervisors are still holding meeting via Zoom in an effort to curtail objections. And the digital passport must be stopped!
avatar Steve
EMERGENCY I have a friend who works for the IATSE union she is being told she is REQUIRED to take a vaccine unless she has a medical exemption. Is there a standard nastiogram letter that you have for this? Can employers lawfully require one to take a experimental vaccine? isnt that a crime against humanity? Also the vaccine manufacturer is held harmless but if the employer mandates it can they be liable? HELP
avatar Leslie Gray
Following up from your SOS in Tulsa! I live in OC and have been a business woman here for 30+ years with two grown children. I want to get involved as I have a vast network of contacts that share our beliefs and we MUST STAND UP AND STAND FIRM. I am trying to reach you but can find no contact information online. Please reach out to me as I want to join the force...midwestern background and military background with the same love and respect for this contract and agitation and defiance of governmentally imposed regulations and Covid scam. Newsom has got to go! READY TO ROLL...I am a speaker/presenter and am NOT SHY!
avatar Jess
ARISE TOUR???? YESSSSSS!!!!!!!! I will be at one of them along with my oldest daughter and husband! So glad you are okay!
avatar Lisa
I am trying to find the covid vaccine/ferret study that Leigh refers to in her speech where all the ferrets died. Can someone please help me find it so I can share it with my friends and family. Scary! Thanks in advance! Lisa
avatar Allison
I NEED HELP! My daughter that attends CSUMB (Monterey Bay) sent me an email that ALL CSU/UC's will make COVID VAX mandatory to attend school in the fall!!! My family will NOT participate in this experiment!!!
avatar Donna
Leigh, Thank God for your independent fighting spirit in this war to retain the USA’s and the planet’s inherited freedoms. This is our last chance. God Bless YOU and God Bless the United States of America!❀???????????❀D Patrice, WA
avatar Sandi
You are a blessing to America. Thank you for your brave and heroic voice. I heard your viewpoint presented to the OCBoard of Supervisors on behalf of our children and hold you in such high regard for standing up to all of this deceit. Thank you so much.
avatar susan
You my friend are a warrior of truth- Thank you for all your amazing work!!!!
avatar Machel
hi, other than donation how can I get involved with you and your organization? You are an inspiration. Orange county resident. Thank you so much.
avatar Lauren
Hi Leigh, I just watched one of your videos, and what you are doing is awesome. I have listened to you, Dr. Sherri Tenpenny, Naomi Wolf, Pamela Popper, Del Bigtree, Dr. Joseph Mercola, Robert Kennedy Jr., Dr. Scott Jensen of Minnesota, Dr. Tom Cowan, Dr. Andy Kaufman, JP Sears, etc. All of you agree that vaccination passports are a dangerous idea, among other things. There are things that you all do not agree on, but I don't think that matters, the main point being that we can't let the government take over our health decisions. I feel like there are too many scattered voices, and that somehow we need to unite. I thought of something like the #ME TOO movement. I'd like to see a #NOT ME movement. As in NOT ME, I will not live in fear, NOT ME I will not let bureaucrats make my health decisions, NOT ME I do not agree with masks, socialist distancing, vaccine passports, etc. Do you have any idea how to start something like that? Thank you for being so brave and powerful.
avatar Teresa Vincent
Wow! Thank you Leigh for being such a strong voice! I have a quote on my fridge that says, "Your voice is your weapon, your silence is your submission!". I grew up in a foster home in Orange County! I now live in Miracopa County, AZ. Thank you for your unbelievable courage! I am 60 years old and would never believed this could be happening in USA! Sincerely, Teresa Vincent, Buckeye, AZ
avatar Angela McCaskill
I am in need of your help. I live in Mustang Oklahoma and I have requested to speak at the school board meeting to unmask our children. Could I please get the information from you that you have used. I need all the help I can get. We have a facebook page and someone turned us into the OSBI saying we are inciting violence. We have done everything as required to speak at the meeting and have not been violent in anyway. We are standing up for the right of our children and their health. We would extremely appreciate any help and information you would be willing to share with us. Thank you for what you are doing!!! Sincerely, Angela McCaskill
avatar geoffrey brittain
You are brilliant we need mor like you
avatar Kristina
Hi Leigh you are an absolute rockstar & I just want to thank you for bringing awareness to this frightening & evil practice that we must not allow in our society along with the powers that be who support it being defeated in their pursuits. Thank you for your courage, tenacity, conviction & willingness to face down this giant, I stand with you! Along with private business, I’m becoming increasingly concerned with universities across the US implementing this radical, unethical, unlawful & inhumane practice. I also have sons playing collegiate sports who are being pressured to get the vaccine or face the consequences of being benched. Do you have a recommendation on how to combat this, can we take this to the NCAA to stop them from instituting this? Thank you again for all you’re doing to stop tyranny in its tracks! God bless you & God bless America in this fight.
avatar Jami
Hello Leigh What, if anything, can be done about OSHA in Oregon? They just made donning face masks permanent.
avatar M
Leigh, UC Davis recently announced that after the vaccine is "FDA Approved" they will require ALL students and faculty to receive the vaccine. What do we do?! HELP. HELP. HELP!
avatar Marie
God Bless you Leigh! Thank you for your courage and perseverance! Any chance your talk from the Health & Freedom conference 2021 is available anywhere, now that YouTube censored and deleted the account that posted it?
avatar Marie
I apologize. I found your video of the Health & Freedom 2021 and am sharing it... as all should! https://vimeo.com/541492577
avatar Colern
Leigh - "We the Parents of WI" is a fast growing group of parents fighting against school boards for the rights of our children to go to school without a mask, eliminate quarantines, and coming soon to a school near you covid testing and mandatory vaccinations. We are desperately trying to get organized so when we get our 3-5 minutes to speak at board meetings. I, myself, and my 10-year-old son are planning on speaking on Monday May 10th board meeting. Our governor is receiving federal funding to start testing our children and fall. Department of public instruction is already sending emails to school districts to give them information on how to order supplies. It hasn't even been approved by school boards. I'm just learning the ropes here, feeling way over my head, but scared to death for our children. Any advice would be greatly appreciated! Thank you for all that you've done! You're amazing and an inspiration to all of us fighting the good fight!
avatar viola
Thank you for what you are doing. Please help Medical exception has now been taken away regarding vaccination. I am not talking about religious exemption.... Please let us know what to do. Thank you so much!!!
avatar sonja
Thank you!!!! Your knowledge, passion, and call to stand is inspiring and much needed. Can we sue people who "try to bully us" into taking the shots as a violation of the Nurenburg code? I think if those of us they label "vaccine hesitant" start suing them and winning maybe people will back off when they realize how serious this is and the reality that it's "experimental" and the big Pharma can't be held liable.
avatar Julie Formby
Leigh-- how can we get a copy of your letter to Chapman College? We need to duplicate this everywhere! Thx
avatar Gregory G. Yacoubian
Dear Leigh Dundas, My wife showed me the video of your intervention when OC tried to side-step informed consent when injecting children with the experimental Covid-19 shot. I was very impressed with your passion! I was concerned about your representation about LAPD officers participating in forcing a disabled adult to be vaccinated against her will. As a police defense attorney who primarily defends LAPD officers, your comment caught my attention. I was relieved, albeit slightly, when I confirmed that the involved law enforcement entity was not LAPD. Rather, it was the Los Angeles Sheriff's Department (link - ‘Horrific’ video shows police force-vaccinating disabled and special needs people | News | LifeSite (lifesitenews.com)). In any event, my wife and I are praying for your safety and success. Respectfully, Gregory G. Yacoubian, Esq. Law Offices of Gregory G. Yacoubian 2625 Townsgate Road, Suite 330 Westlake Village, California 91361 805-267-1260
avatar Kelley
Our daughter is scheduled to start at Gonzaga University Law School in August. Yesterday, June 10, the university president Thayer McCulloh announced a new Covid 19 policy. All students have to be vaccinated before they can attend. She is not vaccinated and doesn’t want to be. I am reaching out for help, information, etc. After watching your video of the Orange County School Board meeting she said, “well, maybe this is the hill to die on.”
avatar Human in need for human rights Pleaae
I am in need of a human rights lawyer I work for a huge company and I am being bullied into taking g the vaccine or losing my job. How can I contact you Leigh. Please help or recommend someone I do not want the Jab!!
avatar Sabrina
Hi Leigh I want to thank you for all your work!! I'm in BOISE IDAHO looking forward to welcoming you here on the ARISE FREEDOM TOUR. I follow Scott McKay and Sacha Stone and am here in service to help you guys with anything. PLEASE CONTACT ME! Awakening humanity one soul at a time! The 5D Gramma I've been deplatformed a few times and am building my channel back up.
avatar Ronni Church
Leigh, thank you for what you are doing. I need some help in finding where to turn. I'm in Kansas. I have a daughter in Durango, CO. She has kids that are 5, 3, and 1. The 6 and 3 year olds are special needs. She got an email from the school board that the kids will have to have a nasal swab daily, and wear a mask daily! I want to try to find someone or figure out if there is in any way anyone that can help me fight what is about to happen in Durango, CO, even if my daughter does pull her kids out of school. Please contact me. I've been trying to find someone that will help me fight this.
avatar Carla Williams
2:23 AM You sent Hello! My name is Carla/Carly Black, musician and Physical Therapist from AL. I need desperately to reach Leigh Dundas. I need an attorney, not any attorney...HER! If you can help me reach her in ANY way, please, please contact me back. 8CarlyBlack@gmail.com or 2105.567.3334 ? Thank you so and God Bless!
avatar Billie
BREAKING THE SPELL by Thomas Cowan MD The Scientific Evidence that Virology is a House-of-Cards, a Scientific Fraud.... The thesis of this new booklet is that, because of the recent publication of some peer-reviewed studies and the scientific experiments conducted by my friend, Dr. Stefan Lanka, we can now say without any doubt that the central tenets of modern virology are not only unscientific, but are actually anti-scientific.  Modern virology rests on three tenets. The first is that the tissue breakdown, called the cytopathic effect, that is seen in cell cultures is proof of the existence of the pathogenic virus, and proof that it causes disease. This has now been proven to be false as a result of Dr. Lanka's experiments. The second tenet is that one can see the pathogenic virus in question, including SARS-CoV-2, in the examination of the cell-culture breakdown. Using peer-reviewed research, I show this claim to be false. Finally, virologists claim that they find and sequence the entire genome of the virus in question through an alignment process done on the cell culture. The results of this part of Dr. Lanka's experiment were not available at the time I wrote the booklet, but Dr. Lanka has since shown this sequencing process to be fallacious as well. By adding mRNA from yeast to a cell culture, with no possibility of any virus added to the culture, he was able, using modern "unbiased, de novo, next-generation sequencing," to produce the entire genome of SARS-CoV-2 from this mixture, even though, again, no virus was present. Therefore, as of October 2021, it has now been proven that virology is based on false assumptions, SARS-CoV-2 or any other so-called pathogenic virus doesn't exist, and the entire Covid-19 narrative is bogus.  This booklet builds the case in simple, clear, precise language.   www.drtomcowan.com
avatar Robert Ritter
Leigh, I appreciate all you do. Two things: You need to have a printable flyer. As it is now, I cannot chose and print. Secondly, your email provider is showing an error on every link. I have screenshots. It is an error from Cisco. I thought you might want to know. Thanks again for all you do. God bless you.