Sep 29, 2022 8:36 pm
Hey friends in California (& peeps who know folks in CA)!
Commiefornia -- formerly known as the Golden State -- desperately needs your help. Our legislature passed AB 2098 which criminalizes free speech -- and subjects doctors who speak out against the COVID narrative -- to penalties and licensure revocation actions.
We are holding an Emergency Press Conference on the West Steps of the Capitol tomorrow, September 30, at noon -- to urge Governor Newsom to veto this bill that would put Warsaw Ghetto crosshairs on the backs of doctors in this state ... and no doubt create a mass exodus by the few white coats that still believe in the Hippocratic oath of "First, Do No Harm."
Please send the E-flyer and Press Release found in the following link to everyone you know -- in California and elsewhere: https://ripl.se/oE
And I'll see all who can make it at high noon tomorrow on the west steps of the Sacramento Capitol!
Leigh Dundas, Esq.
on behalf of Advocates for Physicians' Rights