What is smudging & how to smudge properly

Clearing Negative Energy from Your Home By KC Freeman So we all hear ghost stories told by the camp fire. Perhaps we watch the plethora of ghost hunting shows on cable television. I know that I do. Maybe we’ve seen, heard, or felt something we can’t...

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Jul 26, 2024
Summertime Blues

Summertime Blues! It’s a real thing. There’s even a song about it, so it has to be true, right? Summer kicks off fine enough. Weather is just starting to warm up so BBQs, lounging by the pool or lakeside or beach with your favorite book are utter per...

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Jul 23, 2024
Summer is almost here! Time to add to your TBR pile!

Summertime is for vacations to beaches or mountains or lakes or wherever your fancy takes you. Sometimes summer is more a staycation and that’s perfect too! What makes summer special? I will go ahead and admit that my writing will be on the backburne...

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May 21, 2024
What indie authors need most

What do authors need most besides a literary agent or big name publishing company to come along, sweep him or her off his or her feet with a hefty signing bonus and promises the author will never have to lift a finger to market their own books? Throw...

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Mar 21, 2023
Join me for a LIVE READING

If you LOVE paranormal romance, fantasy romance, angel romance, fallen angel romance, mythology and more…JOIN ME Monday, 1/23/2023 at Noon EST for a live reading of FALLING FOR THE DEVIL! And don’t forget to grab your own copy of Falling for the Devi...

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Jan 19, 2023
New Year and New Exciting PNR News and Much More!

Did you do the traditional setting of new year resolutions for 2023? I’ve done so in the past and quite frankly…it’s been a waste of my energy because then when I don’t magnificently follow through I feel guilty for not “being the best I can be” and...

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Jan 03, 2023
Daily Gratitude Challenge

Just a few days ago, those of us in the USA sat around a table with family and friends (some we liked and some we didn’t), pigged out on foods we wouldn’t normally cook, watched football or Hallmark or Lifetime channel holiday movies, and we declared...

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Dec 06, 2022
Special Edition ~ Cover Reveal & Preorder

After almost blowing the whole cover reveal last week when my excitement got the better of me when my author paperback proof came in the mail and I almost showed it off on TikTok… I am pleased to finally unleash this beautiful book cover (along with...

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Nov 15, 2022
How 1 line from a random book changed my life

I’ll be the 1st to admit I’m an introvert and not comfortable sharing personal information so I keep my newsletters, social media posts, etc. high-level. But today I am breaking that rule. Please be patience as the story unfolds of how 1 line in a fi...

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Nov 01, 2022