Peace in the midst of a storm

 The world is full of diverse storms. Everyone is in one storm or the other; pain, lack, loss, shame, illness, disappointment, death, failure, fear, stress, humiliation, conflict, etc.We may not be able to escape these storms but we can find a way to...

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Nov 22, 2020

  When I do something with difficulty and discover there are better ways to go about it, I do not hesitate to share with anyone who is willing to listen. I see a lot of people start something and in less than a year, they give up and quit. I have...

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Nov 16, 2020
What are you willing to sacrifice?

  I live to learn. I learn from people, books, messages, music, movies, nature, etc; and when I learn I share. I do not share because I think I am wiser than others. I am aware that others may have already learned these lessons before me, but I am pa...

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Nov 09, 2020

  The first job I got after my first degree was in a healthcare company, it was my dream industry but, it wasn’t my dream position. My job was to manage the social media pages and the websites. When I got the opportunity to go for my postgraduate...

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Oct 28, 2020
Changing your perspective, 1.

 Train up a child in the way he should go and when he is old, he will not depart from it. Proverbs 22:6.As you were growing up, you were learning consciously and unconsciously. The things you saw, heard and felt gave you a thinking pattern which even...

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Oct 25, 2020
You can overtake chariots

 Then the Spirit said to Philip, “Go near and overtake this chariot.”So Philip ran to him, and heard him reading the prophet Isaiah, and said, “Do you understand what you are reading?”Acts 8:29-30The Spirit of the Lord will rest on Him,The spirit of...

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Oct 12, 2020
The Mistake of Inconsistency

 Whatever we dream to become great at, we need to give it time, focus on it and keep repeating it. In life, I have seen people make the mistake of being here and there, trying different stuff and never settling with one. You need to give at least on...

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Oct 03, 2020

What motivates you in life? What keeps you going in your career, business or ministry? Why do you do the things you do? Your life purpose should be your drive. Purpose is the reason for which something is done or created or for which something exist...

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Sep 28, 2020

  You have a dream, you have a passion, you have done a lot of things in your mind, but you have not been able to manifest them in reality. There could be a lot of reasons for that, but I want to talk about these: 1.   Being too self conscious: You...

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Sep 21, 2020