I AM When Moses had an encounter with God, he inquired of his name in Exodus 3:14: God said to Moses, "I AM WHO I AM. This is what you are to say to the Israelites: 'I AM has sent me to you.’” When Jesus was on earth, he made a lot of affirmat...

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Jan 20, 2021

WHY YOU ARE EDUCATED BUT HAVE NOTHING DOING   It is no longer news that a lot of graduates are jobless. Sometimes we blame our education system (see YouTube video THE FAULT IN OUR EDUCATION SYSTEM) but, sometimes it is our fault. A lot of people have...

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Jan 12, 2021
Boost your sales confidence; THOUGHTS ARE TRANSFERABLE

 THOUGHTS ARE TRANSFERABLEDo you know thoughts can be transferred from one person to another without any means of written or verbal communication? Have you not noticed sometimes when you think about a person, the person calls? Do you think it is mere...

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Jan 11, 2021
Boost your sales confidence; what do you sell

 This is for anyone who has something to offer in exchange for money. Have you ever been in a situation where you do something casually and another person starts that same thing and blows it out of proportion? The difference between you and the other...

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Jan 09, 2021

 Do you try to live the way other people expect? In what areas of your life have you lived true to yourself? Sometimes we get used to living for people that we forget what we wanted. I never consciously made the decision to live life on my terms but...

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Dec 26, 2020

Have you ever been surprised by someone's sudden outburst of anger? Do you usually wonder where you have gone wrong? Do you respond with the same negative energy or do you gently nurse your hurt?If you understand the real reason behind people's outbu...

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Dec 11, 2020

These days, a lot of young people are afraid to commit to a relationship. They say things like, “how can I be with one person all my life? Isn't it going to be boring? What happens when we stop loving each other or just get tired of each other? What...

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Dec 08, 2020