Hello, dear Chapter!First off, I must apologize for the long absence! I meant to email back after the release of The Famine Cycle box set on Amazon, but things got busy in the summer. A very belated thank you for your assistance with it!I'm back now...
Hey there, Kickstarter crowd!The gears have been turning in both of my recent campaigns. Continue reading for everything going on.First, for The Wilds Exile, we have new art from Sutthiwat! Check out the "Bride of Heaven" backed by her devilish angel...
Hey there, Kickstarter crowd!The campaign for The Wilds Exile is winding down - we have less than a week to go before it ends!With two stretch goals down, we're closing in on the third. Hopefully, we can get there and add art postcards to the rewards...
The Wilds Exile is funded, Kickstarter crowd!It took just four minutes for you awesome people to hop aboard this time. That's easily my fastest funding time!Thanks so much to all of you who have backed. It means everything to have your support campai...
It's launch day, Kickstarter Crowd!The Wilds Exile, Book 4 in the Ranger of the Titan Wilds series - the penultimate installment! - is funding now through January 19th.As I try to do with every sequel, I've dialed up everything a notch. The stakes ar...
Happy Holidays, Kickstarter Crowd!Hope you've been keeping well since the last email! Things are continuing apace here at Castle Rosell - I've got new art and the next campaign coming this week!First, new art for A Queen's Command! Check out Daniel C...
Hey there, Kickstarter Crowd!Hope my fellow Americans had a great Thanksgiving! And to the international folks, that you've been well since the last broadcast.We have a lot of new art to show off today! First off, for my most recent campaign, A Queen...
Hello, dear backers!I'm emailing you instead of posting a Kickstarter update just in case this has better luck making it into your inbox.Now that I have a new laptop, we're back in business! The hope is to record the short story audiobook next week b...
Hey there, Kickstarter Crowd!It's the final day of the campaign!You've heard all about A Queen's Command, the second Legend of Tal deluxe edition, these past few weeks, so I won't belabor the point.If you're wanting to pick up these fancy books, this...
Hey there, Kickstarter Crowd!We're in the final days of the campaign now, but it's not over yet! I've just unveiled the final stretch goal...An upgraded cover of A Queen's Command!If you liked the cover before, just check out the shinier version!I do...