⚔️ Legend of Tal shipping update + cover reveal! | Kickstarter Crowd
Aug 21, 2024 6:01 pm
Hey there, Kickstarter Crowd!
Great news! The books for Legend of Tal: A King's Bargain's deluxe edition campaign have arrived at the warehouse!
Check out all those books sitting on the pallets at the Merrick Books warehouse:
I guess this thing is finally getting real!
Shipping will begin soon, though it'll still be a few weeks before all backers get their copies.
Currently, the plan is to finish shipping all rewards by September 13th.
It might still sound far off, but hopefully it'll come sooner than you think. Some of you will get your books earlier as they're shipped, and some a bit later.
But within about a month, you kind folks who supported it should have your well-deserved books!
Thank you so much for your patience through this long, arduous process.
While you wait, you can feast your eyes on the cover for Book 2!
I've been sitting on this while we got Book 1 over to you, but with the next campaign in prelaunch, the cat's out of the bag.
Get your first look at the deluxe edition of A Queen's Command below!
Don't tell A King's Bargain, but I think I might like it even better! Plus, it's getting a ton of features right off the bat to match King - and maybe even a bit more.
But more on that later. For now, you can follow it through the button below!
Happy Reading!
~ Josiah
J.D.L. Rosell