Posted:-Wednesday, October 24, 2018Distinct genetically-expressed 'typified cranial-facial phenotype-traits' distinguishing sub-species members of an organism-species, and who're aka as lineages or morphological-sub-types, such as found within Homo s...

Posted:-Wednesday, October 24, 2018 Thus examples of morphological subtypes or subspecies aka lineages of the taxonomic-species of 'anatomically-modern-human ape-homi...

Thus, minor 'typified craniofacial phenotype-traits' distinguishing morphological sub-types aka lineages of the organism-species Homo sapiens in anthropometry such as mandibular & dental features incorporating nose-&-brain sizes, volum...
Posted:-Tuesday, October 23, 2018Yer, the binomial-name for the taxonomic-species of the anatomically-modern-human population is 'Homo sapiens' categorized into sub-species in human-evolutionary-history ea...

Posted on:- Monday, October 22, 2018Paleontological-trends indicate there's a successive-order to the development of life demonstrating that life in its diverse, ingenuous, myriad forms including the evolutionary process leading to the emergence of a...

Dear readers. I have no intention of re-inventing the wheel but I feel obliged under current circumstances to embark on an INQUIRY-of-LOGIC once again in time...

Goddamnit! Raila was reportedly the first African in Kenya to acquire a 'Eurocopter Premieres EC145' Mercedes Benz style luxurious chopper in 2017 at a whooping cost of KShs. 850m, i.e. one billion less one hundred and fifty million! The chopper with...

No way. We can't as a country reverse the progressive milestones we've made in legislating informed, reasonable child policies & head back to the dark ages of corporal punishment in schools which's has killed countable children and left other dis...

First 'twas after Raila went to Dubai for a 2nd brain surgery at the height of the Covid-19 pandemic incursion when rumours thought Raila had been afflicted too & that China had turned him away for the 14-days strict quarantine protocol. The GoK'...