Hello ,Thank you all very much for running the last session on the RTSL! I learned a lot from the session and will be working to improve any issues.I reached out to DCC Specialties about the PSXX Circuit breakers. They suggested that I make an adjust...
Hello ,You have signed up as 1 of 3 operators for this Friday's operations session at the Riverside Transfer Shortline Railroad. Please reply to this email to confirm your attendance.The doors will open at 7pm (or wheneve...
May 1st In Person Event Details | May 2023Hello We look forward to meeting you at the first In-Person Manhattan Modelers Meetup.The layout that we will be visiting is the Delaware and Susquehanna created by Phil Monat. Please check out the Island Ops...
Reminder | April 2023Reminder, the first in person Meet and Greet of the Manhattan Modelers is coming up in 3.5 days. If your initials are not included in this list and you are planning to attend, please let me know so that I can add you. I will send...
Reminder | April 2023Reminder, there will be a Zoom meeting tonight, Monday 4/17, at 7pm. There will get general discussion as well as help people join the Manhattan Modelers Discord Server. We will be moving our online meetings to Discord to avoid t...
Hello ,I have been learning so much over the last week. If you have any interest in, or have ever considered getting into operations, check out the pop up live stream that I did last Friday with some "experts" in model railroad operations. Straighten...
Newsletter | April 2023Hopefully nobody was too taken in by an April Fool’s Day prank or this wild whip-saw weather. In the last month our little group has been growing solidly. We have our first Zoom Meeting under our belt and another one planned fo...
Hello ,Operations, DCC Programming, Rolling Stock movements. These are all a crutial part toward realizing my layout goals. And every step I take, I get closer to the goal of an operational layout, but... The more I learn, the more options I have, th...
Hello ,On Sunday I got the chance to operate on the West Island Model Railroad Club in Hicksville, NY. They use an interesting modification on car cards, which I am realizing now that I did not get a picture.I got to run a local, a road train, some H...
Hello ,I got to operate on the Delaware & Susquehanna last Sunday. It was a really great time again. I was on a road train crew (of 1) and accorinding to the layout Superintendent, my second train is the hardest road train on the layout.The train...