Dear student,Thank you for using our website,!We’re happy to let you know: our new website is now online! 🎉You can continue learning German with us at the same links you’re already familiar with.Here’s what you need to know:A Ne...
Dear student,First of all, thank you for learning on our website and for being part of our growing community! We’re excited to share some important news: Starting early January, our website will move from Uteach to WordPress/Elem...
Hello ,When starting with German prepositions, it makes sense to focus on the accusative ones first! 🌟 These prepositions are essential for building accurate sentences, and mastering them will set you up for success as you dive deeper into German gr...
Dear student,Thank you for signing up at! It's great to have you with us as you explore the exciting world of German through fun quizzes and interactive learning.If you're interested in keeping up with the latest updates,...