Word of the week: Schiztic – of, like or pertaining to or marked by splitting.Hello, readers! Can you believe that next week is Thanksgiving already? I’m already staring to hear Christmas music in retail stores and see Christmas decorations around to...
Word of the week: Recidivist– someone who lapses into undesirable patterns of behavior.Welcome, readers, to this week’s collection of articles, news, and fiction from Horror Tree and around the web. I hope those of you participating in NaNoWriMo this...
Word of the week: Petrichor– the metallic, earthy scent after the rain.October is gone already. I hope you all had a wonderful (and spooky) Halloween. Good luck to everyone participating in NaNoWriMo this month. Will you be writing a novel in Novembe...
Word of the week: Galere – A coterie of undesirable people.Happy Halloween! I want to take a moment to welcome our new subscribers. Our newsletter is a collection of news and stories from Horror Tree and around the web designed to help conn...