Deadline: June 30th, 2022 Payment: $25 Theme: Tales of the people who fight for, sacrifice for, and work toward the takeover of the world by the Old Ones. In this, our seventh anthology of the Lovecraftian series, we are looking for tales of the peop...
Deadline: January 1st, 2022 Payment: Royalty Split Theme: Trunk stories that haven’t found a home elsewhere Down another forgotten hallway lie more unexplored rooms. Each room contains another world waiting to be discovered. Some are wonderful and be...
Submission Window: December 1st-15th 2021 Payment: 1 winner each month will win $10 Canadian Theme: A story at exactly 50-words If you’d like to have a 50-word story that you wrote featured on, first make sure that you understand...
5 Tips for Publishing Your Own Book Did you ever imagine ideas for a blockbuster novel? Did you plot out character sketches; divide the plot into three acts with five turning points each, and used pathos to create a mental image of your protagonist’s...
Deadline: February 1st, 2022 Payment: One cent per word and a contributors copy Theme: Sword-and-sorcery stories where Samhain/Halloween is relevant to the plot On October 31, 2021, DMR Books will reopen for submissions once again for a themed anthol...
Submission Window: December 1st-7th, 2021 Prizes: 1st place: $100, 2nd place: $50, 3rd place: $25 Theme: cosmic horror, dark science fiction, or weird Submissions will be ongoing and open the first week of every month for that month’s contest. THREE...
What To Buy A Writer? Ladies and gentlemen, the holiday season is upon us. It doesn’t matter if you’re looking to celebrate Hanukkah, Christmas, Kwanzaa, New Year’s Eve, Festivus, or any other holiday with the author in your life, you still might be...