Creating an unusual monster for a book can be a complex process that requires a lot of time and effort from the author. Find valuable tips in this review and create a creature that you will not be ashamed of.
Deadline: April 1st, 2022 Payment: $10 or a contributor’s copy Theme: Vampire stories based on traditional folklore from around the world. Title: They Come by Night: Original Vampire Stories Based on Traditional Lore Deadline: April 1st 2022 or unt...
Payment: $0.02 per word Theme: Speculative (SF/F, not really horror) and Literary Fiction Year-round Submissions – OPEN! What we want We want all forms of original fiction! For encouragement: All writers are welcome, but we would love stories from se...
Generational Trauma and Gothic Horror: a personal essay. I have written of my love for all things gothic time and time again. My longing for the past, for things I never knew and never experienced has been with me since I was a child. Born in New H...
How do Authors Use Direct Characterization in a Story? By Melody E. McIntyre Characters are the heart of any story and characterization is how authors tell us who those characters are. The methods authors use fall into two broad categories: direct...
Deadline: February 28th, 2022 Payment: £15 Theme: Horror set at school, college, university, or somewhere in-between Note: Any harm to children (of any age) must be sensitive and well-considered. For Whom the School Bell Tolls edited by Jay Alexander...
Deadline: May 31st, 2022 Payment: £10 Theme: Dark Fantasy Title: Into the Darkness – Book One Title: Out of the Darkness – Book Two Opens: 01 February 2022 Closes: 31 May 2022 Genre: Book One – Dark Fantasy Book Two – Light Fantasy Re...
Deadline: September 13th, 2022 Payment: US: $40 + author copy/non-US: $45 + ebook author copy Theme: Gothic Winter Horror Quill & Crow Publishing House is opening submissions for our third anthology for 2022, Bleak Midwinter: An Anthology of Goth...