Canada Now Has Psilocybin Dispensaries

Dana Larsen is anything but discreet about his business—and that’s exactly the point. “I’m definitely not the first person to sell mushrooms online,” he says. “But I might be the first to put my name, face, and reputation on the line for it.” Larsen’...

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Apr 26, 2021
The Best Vegan Food in the Tri-State Area

As a seasoned vegan of six years, I have had my fair share of bad vegan food. That bad vegan food tends to come from restaurants who try to add one option on the menu for vegans. It ends up being a boring salad or incorrectly-cooked impossible burger...

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Apr 23, 2021
Emily Eizen: Queen of Kush 

Lush, decadent, surreal, and interminably sensual, Emily Eizen’s artwork is a veritable cosmic wonderland. Eizen seamlessly blends various mediums such as painting, sculpture, photography, modeling, and interior design to create her bold, surreal, an...

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Apr 21, 2021