4 Films that Revolutionized the Film Industry in 2020

Last year was an unprecedented one in many ways, what with the COVID-19 pandemic grinding the world to a halt overnight. The film industry was one of many to suffer tremendous economic hardships as a result of severe global lockdowns and social dista...

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Jan 22, 2021
10 Key Events That Shaped 2020

2020 has been a year like no other. COVID-19, the deadliest pandemic in recent history, has killed over 2 million people worldwide (and rising) and close to 400,000 in the United States alone.  Generations of police officers targeting and killing inn...

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Jan 21, 2021
Biden’s Cabinet of Diversity

2020 saw one of the most monumental elections in American history. As the map turned blue, masses of people took to the streets to celebrate their joy and relief as well as newly restored faith and pride. President-elect Joe Biden has earnestly taken...

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Jan 20, 2021