Count your blessings ❤️

Nov 10, 2020 6:41 am


Hi ,

As I meditated this morning I had these thoughts and just needed to share with you. I immediately grabbed my phone on started to write the following post.

Happiness; what is happiness?


We all want it, we all have experienced it, and want more of it.

But why does it have to be this thing that we “want”and “have to seek”? Why does it feel it’s hard to achieve?

I was talking to my 18 yo son about this. How most of us have this idea that happiness is an external experience (outside of ourselves) that we must seek. That happiness and joy, are related to other people, or by having certain things in life.

E.g. When I’m done with school or when I buy this thing I’ll be happy, when I get married I’ll be happy, when I have kids life will be joyful and “complete”, when I ____ fill in the blank.

How many times have we associated happiness and joy with family, life events, materials, and $ gain?

Yeah some of these things make us feel happy and joyful, but what about all the other times? Are you happy then? Are you happy and joyful at work? Stuck in traffic? Running errands? Dealing with illness? Poverty? Financial stress? Etc. The list goes on and on.

Are you fully embracing ALL that life has to give?

Or are you sad, resentful, unhappy, unsatisfied, or miserable? It’s OK if you feel these things. Human experience comes full of different emotions we need to experience. However, how do you bounce back from a bad situation? Do you allow yourself to bounce back? Or does one situation turn your entire day into a “bad day”?

These are questions we must ask ourselves....

In life, we will experience lots of things and emotions like a roller coaster ride. Life just isn’t peachy all the time, and how we react is up to us.

I’m not saying to never feel sad or mad, but are you allowing the not so good moments to run your life? Are you constantly thinking about the past and the what if’s? Are you always worried about the future?

Living in the now is one of the best ways to live with joy. Present means gift, the gift of life and if you are alive right now, be grateful.

Count your blessings, and when the not so good things happen, take a deep breath, pray, surrender, take action or let go.

Let’s explore more about this topic in future posts. Believe it or not, this is a major piece of our wellbeing that leads a healthy life. ❤️

Talk soon,

