Greetings,Hope you had a nice Thanksgiving holiday! Temperatures have taken a dive in many regions this past week. And, you may still have remnants of your outdoor Fall décor outside, pumpkins & gourds that can be composted. We hope to encourage...
Greetings,We wish you a happy Thanksgiving this week and thank you for being part of our Growit Buildit community. We continue to be inspired to share our love and experience with growing native plants. We love hearing you share your journey with nat...
Greetings,Today we have a new video to share with you on a native grass. It's beautiful to see a field of purple top in bloom! If you have not had the chance to see this for yourself, you will enjoy the footage Joe shares in the video!Purple Top is a...
Greetings,Hello & hope your weekend is off to a good start! Another warm week here, the shorts and t-shirt weather has continued to linger. Some flowers seem confused and are blooming still.But, it is November and you may be getting started with...
Greetings,Welcome to November! We have still been holding on to summer temps in our area...trick or treating in short sleeves this year! The leaves have been falling fast this week, though.As the leaves fall and many flowers have been done blooming f...
Roots are the portion of a plant that interface with the ground. They perform three primary functions, anchoring the plant, absorbing water/nutrients/minerals, and also act as storage of energy for
One of the most interesting native flowers North America has to offer is commonly known as Jack-In-The-Pulpit (Arisaema triphyllum). Typically found in woodland settings, the curious flower structure resembles something
Hackberry is a deciduous hardwood tree native to North America. Scientifically known as Celtis occidentalis, it will grow 50-80’ tall in full sun and well draining soil. Providing year round
The Wheel Bug is a species of Assassin Bug found in North America with a painful bite. Scientifically known as Arilus cristatus, they have a semicircle spiny ridge behind their
When starting your Native Plant journey into gardening there is much to learn. So much so that it can be confusing with the different terminology of the plants like natives,
The Red Oak Tree is a deciduous hardwood tree native to Eastern North America. Scientifically known as Quercus Rubra, a growth rate of 1-2’ per year, it can reach heights
Just because Winter is upon us doesn’t mean we can just rest by a cozy fire sipping coco. No, Winter is the perfect time to perform routine gardening tasks to
With the arrival of Fall also comes some new chores. A typical Fall garden clean up will often include various tasks such as breaking down the vegetable garden, cutting back
Like most families with children, we often are on the go and will rely on snacks to tide the kids over until dinner. But most snacky foods are just over-processed
When constructing a new compost pile we as gardeners can be very anxious for it’s temperature to rise and for the pile to get hot. And, if you are new