ON THE BLOG: Prairie Smoke

Apr 20, 2024 1:00 pm



Is there much color in your native gardens yet? One of the things we all like to focus on as we expand the native plant diversity in our gardens is to maximize bloom time in them throughout the growing season.

Today, I'd like to share a native to consider that can help provide early blooms to your gardens. The bumblebees will thank you!

Prairie Smoke is a low-growing native that provides beauty and can provide a nice border to gardens with it's low clump forming nature. Enjoy learning all about it today & seeing it's beauty!

ON THE BLOG: Prairie Smoke


PATREON: Thank you for joining us as a patron & supporting our work on upcoming projects we are working on. We are busy working with & testing some new equipment to provide additional education.

Thank you for being part of our Growit Buildit community! Enjoy your weekend.


