In the ever-evolving landscape of literature, the fusion of role-playing game (RPG) elements with traditional storytelling has given rise to a unique and engaging narrative style. An Empty Embrace is a prime example of this innovative approach, blend...
The evolution of romance within dark fantasy literature is a journey through time, reflecting the changing societal norms, the expanding definitions of love, and the ever-deepening exploration of the human condition. Let's delve into this genre mix a...
Two figures stand locked in a moment that teeters on the edge of danger and desire. Today, we are thrilled to unveil the cover of An Empty Embrace, the latest dark fantasy from the imaginative mind of Cyril Mezden. This cover, a masterpiece of visual...
In the realm of literary genres, few fuse as provocatively as erotic horror, a tantalizing blend of spine-tingling terror and sensual allure. This blog post delves into the unique elements that set this novel apart and offers insight from Cyril Mezde...
Greetings, aficionados of the arcane and admirers of the night's embrace. Today, we venture deeper into the heart of darkness with the third feature in our series spotlighting Cyril Mezden's mesmerizing novel, "An Empty Embrace." This tale exemplifie...
Join us for an intimate glimpse behind the curtain of An Empty Embrace, where author Cyril Mezden shares the unique challenges, inspirations, and personal anecdotes that shaped the creation of this captivating novel. The post Behind the Scenes: Craft...
When not caught up in his own personal fantasies about courageous heroes, flamboyant villains, or ancient magics, Cyril spends his time inches from a monitor playing videogames, trying to make his friends laugh with silly voices during D&D sessio...
While "The Blood Princess" marks her foray into the world of published novels, Gonsalves has many more stories brewing in the realm of Vartugaul and beyond. Balancing her writing career with the joys and challenges of motherhood and personal life, sh...
Micah Castle's storytelling prowess has been showcased in various magazines, websites, and anthologies. His novelette, "Reconstructing a Relationship," published by D&T Publishing, and his debut novel "The World He Once Knew," set to be released...
J.M. Faulkner's life in North Bohemia, where he explores the forests with his family, undoubtedly seeps into his narrative, enriching it with a sense of authenticity and atmosphere. His previous publications in renowned magazines like Solarpunk Magaz...
Greetings morsels, I mean... mortals, Though, surely, plenty of you would make a perfectly substantive meal if you put your minds to it. As you all know, I am nothing if not a watchful connoisseur always on the lookout from on high for the next flavo...