Read only if you have balls to IMPLEMENT

Jul 03, 2021 1:31 pm

I want to show you something.

But you know my style.

You must first swear a blood oath that you would implement. (lol)

Come have a peep at how I form some of my copies.

The first thing is the main thing. What is the main idea of this copy?

Like, what is the message? What is the take home point?

It is easy to always think it is a pitch but it is not necessarily so. Some main ideas could be pitches, but for my copies, I like them to first do something educative and enlightening, except I’m in the middle of a launch.

This doesn’t mean the copy won’t culminate into a pitch… It just means you won’t always appear “salesy”.

Once this is done and settled, I think of stories, facts, anything interesting that can serve as an introduction to my copy. But that isn’t all. I make my stories as descriptive as possible so it is easy to form images in your mind.

See this;

So I was on a bus on a Tuesday morning, and met a marketer who taught me these keys I will be sharing with you today.


On a Tuesday morning, when it seems nothing great can come out of the day, I sit dejected in a moving bus and watch how enthusiastic all the other passengers are. Maybe it’s because the trip is to Chicago, maybe it is just the opportunity to deviate from the norm; but whatever it is sure makes them happy.

As I get consumed with thoughts, a man walks up to me and smiles. First, I am upset he is restricting my airflow by his beauty, but like they say, the package almost never equates the content. This one encounter is the reason why bla bla bla

So this is just some random thoughts that haven’t been refined but you get it.

However, this kind of content must appeal to your audience to make it your thing. The message almost never changes, but it must be in a form that makes them want to unravel quickly.

There are some other things to pay attention to, but this mail is getting pretty long as otherwise intended. I will probably share in subsequent mails.

If you learned a thing or two, and would like to one on one session with me on how copywriting works, you know where to find me. Reply this mail and let’s get talking.

I’ll write soon again,

Grace Christos
