Feb 11, 2021 2:01 pm
I am still trying to respond to all of your wishes,
And honestly,
9th of February was one of the most unusual birthdays,
I have had.
I was so busy with a number of engagements,
I almost forgot to “enjoy” my birthday.
But you had other plans for me.
I see how you showed up for me,
And owned the day.
My pictures were almost everywhere.
I had zero expectations,
So I got really overwhelmed.
Thank you.
Thank you for letting me know that I am not alone.
Thank you for the thoughtful wishes and messages.
For all of the monetary and material gifts,
For the prayers and prophecies.
You know,
If you didn’t exist,
There would be no drive, no transformation,
No purpose or ambition.
You are the center of it all,
And you give my work validity.
Thank you!
You are such a valuable part of my life,
And I wouldn’t trade you for anything else.
Grace Christos