May 19, 2021 1:01 pm
I am the one making all the requests
And craving your indulgence.
I am writing this with mixed feelings,
Feeling so sad because I would have to be away
From you for a period of time.
But knowing it will be because of you makes it worth it.
You know how you feel after you take a 40 mins nap
In the midst of an overwhelming day,
And then, fresh ideas come up,
You feel so well rested that you think you can take on the world…
That is about to happen between us,
Only that it won’t be 40 minutes right now.
Neither would it be 40 days.
I can’t be without you for that long.
I would document all of my sales experiences to you
So you would know you did not miss a thing.
But still,
What would you be looking forward to learning from me?
I would respond to your every reply.
Grace Christos