2 Minutes for 20% Off! (VIP's ONLY!)
Jun 23, 2021 12:01 am
Hey ,
We hope that you're doing well!
Since you're a VIP here at GCH, we have a proposition for you...
If you can kindly take our quick survey, then we can give you 20% OFF your next order.
Sound fair?
Here's the link: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/CVNZQFV
(It's only 8 questions & takes ~2 minutes to complete.)
After we receive your survey we'll email you a unique code for 20% off your next order!
We really appreciate you filling out the survey to help us figure out what new supplements & content to make moving forward!
Thanks in advance,
-- GoldSteve
P.S. We've been hard at work the past month on an awesome eBook that dives deep into everything you need to know regarding testosterone & estrogen optimization.
It's launching very soon.
Since you're a VIP we're sending it to you free of charge before we put it up for sale! Keep your eyes pealed on your inbox for that PDF later this week.