The 3 Main Body Types Are Total B.S.

Jul 20, 2021 12:06 am


Take a quick glance at any social media platform or talk to any random person and you'll quickly realize something...

People love to label themselves.

  • "I'm a banker, traveler, couch-potato, bodybuilder, etc."
  • "I'm not a pessimist, social, outdoorsy, a cube monkey, etc."

As humans we have this tendency to define ourselves or put ourselves into groups based on what other people around us are saying/doing.

Over the years I've noticed nowhere is this type of labeling more common than in the fitness industry.

ESPECIALLY how people identify and define their physical body type.

  • There are people who say they are just "naturally skinny".
  • There are people who say they are "big boned".
  • There are people who say they are "naturally muscular".

And so on and so forth.

But where did all of this come from? 

You might say...

  • "Modern Genetics!"
  • "Advancements in science!"
  • "Learning more about the human body!"

...But you'd be wrong.

They are based on nothing more than faulty, old-science that people have heard so much that they accept it as truth.

These ideas that a person is genetically determined to only be a certain body type are total B.S.

And It's time to put this body-type issue to bed.

