Zee vs Zed - The Pronunciation of The Letter "Z" in American English & European English. Learn The Proper Pronunciation.
The phrase "Why Don't You...?" Is it for asking a question, making a suggestion, or offering advice. Why it is not polite, and some possible alternatives
This post may not teach you any English at all, but it sure is hilarious, so have some "Fun With English"... Herman Cain Style - GiveMeSomeEnglish!!!
The Answer To The Question: Can I Do The TOEFL Exam On My Phone? For those who do not have a computer but want to do The TOEFL At Home.
Miley "Whore-Face" Cyrus returns from the past to bring us "Black Umbrella". A VAST improvement on her Pre-Whorification Phase release, "Party In The USA".
Greetings ,Welcome to the first day of August!I hope that your summer has been going well.I Just Wanted To Ask You One Question:If there is ONE THING -- The Biggest Thing that you may be struggling with when it comes to preparing for The TOEFL Exam...
The Black Eyed Peas return from the past to bring us "Everybody Poops". A vast improvement on there sell-out hit "Boom Boom Pow". "Fun With English!!!"