Do INFP have Strong Extraverted Feeling?

Send me a textI was asked, "Do INFPs have strong extraverted Feeling?" so I want to explain where I feel some of the confusion might be coming from for those INFP who feel they use extraverted feeling as a strength or are confused about the differenc...

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May 16, 2024
Motivation: The Next Quest

Send me a textGamifying your motivation can be easy!Get your geeky personal growth merch here by joining the Geek Psychology movement. It's a visual reminder to achieve your goals and be the best version of yourself. How will you take your life more...

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May 16, 2024
How to Level Up IRL

Send me a textHow leveling IRL really works is "Activity-Based Leveling." It's that aspect of some RPGs where you gain proficiency in a skill or ability through use. If you don't use it, you don't level it up... you don't improve.Life is like this. W...

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May 15, 2024
Unlocking Inspiration as an INFP

Send me a textFinding motivation and inspiration as an INFP can be a challenge. I've learned, though, that with our creativity, we can turn even a small drop of inspiration into a huge sea of possibility. The only thing stopping us from reaching our...

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May 14, 2024
This RPG Mechanic Unlocks Real-Life Skills (Easily)

Send me a textEver wish life was as straightforward as a video game? What if I told you that the secret to mastering your real-life challenges could be found in nearly every RPG?In this video, I dive deep into how RPG skill trees can revolutionize th...

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May 09, 2024
3 steps to achieving big goals (that RPGs taught me)

Send me a textAchieving big goals isn't about magic; it's about method. This video uncovers the power of simplification in reaching monumental success. By breaking down massive goals into simple, actionable quests, you can transform your approach to...

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May 07, 2024
5 Things That Keep INFPs Going

Send me a textThis video discusses five core aspects crucial for INFPs to lead a fulfilling life: authenticity, creativity, meaningful relationships, connection with nature, and advocacy for causes. It covers the importance of aligning with one's val...

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May 06, 2024
đź“ť A Strange INFP Communication Tip

Send me a textDo you ever find it difficult to communicate your thoughts logically? I've found a weird tip that's helped me tremendously and I'm here to share it with you! Try breaking up your message into small paragraphs - it helps me think more cl...

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May 04, 2024
INTP Social Struggles: Why INTPs Hate Small Talk

Send me a textIn this video, we explore the INTP personality type and why they tend to dislike small talk. While many people may not enjoy small talk, INTPs, in particular, struggle with it due to their dominant function of introverted thinking. This...

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May 02, 2024
Why do INFPs Feel Useless? | 2 Main Reasons

Send me a textAs an INFP, why do I feel so useless in this world?If you're someone with the INFP personality type, you may have felt like a bit of an outcast from the moment you were born. The world is a loud place, full of extroverts and people who...

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May 01, 2024