For Wild Places 23.07.21

Jul 23, 2021 9:58 am

We protect what we love


FRIDAY . 23 . 07 . 21 .

Happy Friday, wonderful folks!

As many of us look towards another weekend in lockdown, we hope that you and those closest to you are keeping safe, well and positive in these trying times. With events postponed and cancelled across NSW, VIC and SA opportunities to catch up with our fellow trail loving friends are seem to be fewer and further between. Let's hope it's not too long before we can come together once again to play in wild places.

As you read in last week's email, the Pilliga Ultra will be now taking place on Saturday 16th October, 2021. To help keep motivation levels up, this week we're bringing you 12 week training plans for the 3 PU events, as well as an invitation to join us for training information evenings in the lead up to Pilliga Ultra. Without further ado, here is Majell...



Some pillows are wise… there is one in my current office, and printed across it in big red letters is this:

"There is no finish line, so love the journey."

So with that in mind and the 'finish line' of Pilliga Ultra having been shifted down the road. For Wild Places is here to make the longer journey to race day even more enjoyable and supported.

Through my many years of making comical training and racing mistakes through my ultra running journey, I have learnt a thing or two and have put together 12 week training plans for the PU50, PU20 and PU6 events.

Along with some of the FWP team, we will also be hosting four online training talk events to help you along the way.

These training plans are for intermediate to advanced runners, but if you are a beginner you can also use these plans but take every suggested rest day as a rest day.

The key to running stronger, healthier and happier is CONSISTENCY. Small steps over a long period of time will always be the greatest way to achieve a running goal safely and in good health. 

Think of it like a phone book. A phone book is indestructible! However, it is made up of many, many, many thin, delicate pages. 

Think of the long term, go easy on yourself, do not be negative and if you miss a day, move on and think of the consistency over a loooooooong period of time. 

And finally STRESS + REST = GROWTH.

STRESS = Running, work pressure, bad sleep, bad diet, bad drinking (dehydration), intensive work

REST = Good sleep, sitting down, relaxing, meditation, good nutrition, hydration, etc

GROWTH = This only happens when you rest and recover

So if you train hard, rest hard!

You can access the training plans via the Pilliga Ultra website - scroll down for 'Training Resources'. The details for the information sessions are as follows:

Tuesday, 10th August @ 6pm AEST

#1 - Training and preparation - Training cycle, Rest & Recovery,

The Stress + Rest = Growth equation

Zoom Link

Tuesday, 24th August @ 6pm AEST

#2 - Nutrition and Hydration - How, what, when, where & why

Zoom Link

Tuesday, 7th September @ 6pm AEST

#3 - Gear and equipment

Zoom Link

Tuesday, 21st September @ 6pm AEST

#4 - Tapering and final preparation

Zoom Link

Let us know how you go and please reach out if you have any questions (


🌞 🌞 🌞

Take care friends, and hang in there.

And as always, thank you for taking the time for wild places

Hilary, Majell & the For Wild Places crew.



We acknowledge the the First Nations people who have been custodians of land, waters and culture for tens of thousands of years. We pay respects to First Nations Elders past, present and emerging.

We acknowledge the Wadawurrung and Eastern Maar People people of the Kulin nation, the lands where this newsletter was compiled.

Always was, always will be.


By For Wild Places

We're a group of adventurers who love to

protect wild places we run on
