Promise of Carnage and Flame is written. 27 chapters and 90K plus words. I have celebrated the completion of this this stage of the process by rewarding myself with some miniatures and recreating the battle of Vauchamps as I re-learn the Drums and S...

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Mar 15, 2021

 (Originally published 3-7-21 then censored then supposedly restored but only shows as a draft - now attempting put it back)Have I been ill? Affirmative. How ill have I been? I've been so ill that I did no writing or editing all week long. Was it the...

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Mar 08, 2021

 Author Interview withC.L. GaberAuthor of The Ascenders SagaPlease tell me a little about your current work in progress.  Thank you so much Stanley! I’m the author of the Ascenders Saga. I’m currently doing final edits for Book Five, which will come...

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Mar 01, 2021

 I've been doing a lot of reading recently. I ripped through John D. Brown's book on creating story ideas that beg to be written. I finished Cedar Sanderson's The East Witch, and I completed Cornwell's The Winter King.  I read a Rafael Sabatina book...

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Feb 22, 2021

 Author Interview with Matthew CoxAuthor ofThe Ubergirl series, Temporal Armistice series, and the Vampire Innocent seriesPlease tell me a little about your current work in progress. At the time of filling this out, I’m in-between books. I suppose t...

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Feb 15, 2021

 Super Bowl PredictionsI think everyone else is watching the super bowl. The number of brain cells I've dedicated to following professional sports has continued to diminish over the years. So my prediction is that after the game, I still won't care w...

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Feb 08, 2021

 Author Interview withA R MeyeringAuthor of The Resurrectionist, and the short stories, FATHOM and AppealPlease tell me a little about your current work in progress. I’m planning on writing a few sci-fi/horror shorts for an anthology that will be pu...

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Feb 01, 2021

 Author Interview with Cedar SandersonAuthor of The East Witch, Tanager's Fledglings, and the Pixie for Hire seriesPlease tell me a little about your current work in progress. The current works in progress are a space opera, with star-traveling pira...

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Jan 25, 2021

 Author Interview withWilliam David EllisAuthor of The Harry Ferguson Chronicles, and a Sherlock Holmes seriesPlease tell me a little about your current work in progress. I have two WIPs. One is the second of My Sherlock Holmes series Angels ,Saints...

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Jan 18, 2021

 A couple Saturday's ago I prepared a Combat! recap. Here it is.Combat! Season 1 Episode 15:”Just for the Record” The episode opens with a farm in Normandy, and a cat inside an abandoned house (I'm wondering if it’s Altman who seems to have an affi...

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Jan 11, 2021