So {{contact.first_name}} - which book defined your childhood?

May 19, 2021 9:05 am


I was wondering, is there a book you read as a kid that really stuck with you? A book that opened your eyes to another world? Or to a concept you had never encountered before?

For me, that book was Robin Klein's Hating Alison Ashley.

So do tell me - what was that book and why?

I read every reply.


Felix Long

Author of 'The Untied Kingdom', 'To Conquer Heaven', 'Sophrosyne' and the upcoming 'Habnab' - first book of the upcoming urban fantasy trilogy Fae DNA.

Please join me on Facebook and (if you haven't already) please join my newsletter.

Felix Long

Author of 'The Untied Kingdom', 'To Conquer Heaven', 'Sophrosyne' and the upcoming 'Habnab' - first book of the upcoming urban fantasy trilogy Fae DNA.

Please join me on Facebook and (if you haven't already) please join my newsletter.
