{{contact.first_name}} - have you ever uncovered an awkward secret?

Dec 16, 2020 7:56 am

Dear ,

I wonder if you have ever uncovered something about someone.

It may not have been a secret. Maybe it was out there all along. Maybe you just didn't want to know.

Like your granddad used to beat your grandma? Or your uncle keeps a separate wardrobe of special dress up clothes? Or that one of your favourite authors was deeply racist, even by the standards of his day.

But perhaps, at the end of this unsettling year, you'd prefer a story about Hope that you might have missed.

Have an excellent Christmas . And a safe and prosperous new year.

Best wishes,

Felix Long


Author of 'The Untied Kingdom', 'To Conquer Heaven', 'Sophrosyne' and the upcoming 'Habnab'.

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