πŸ‚ Checking In: We Miss You and Hope All is Well! πŸ‚

Oct 31, 2023 10:53 am


I hope this email finds you well. We've noticed that it's been a while since you've opened any of our messages, and we truly miss having you as an active member of our community.

We understand that inboxes can get crowded, priorities change, and sometimes emails just slip through the cracks. However, we deeply value our connection and want to ensure that you're still interested in receiving job search updates, news, and offers from us.

If we don’t hear back from you, we'll assume that you're taking a little break from our emails. While we'd be saddened by this, we respect your choices and will always be here if you ever decide to reconnect.

If you still wish to be a part of our community, please take a moment to reply to this email to confirm.

Remember, no matter where life takes you, we're always just an email away. Wishing you all the best, and hoping to hear from you soon!

Warm regards,


Steve Nicholls| Managing Director | Executive Connexions Ltd.

Outplacement & Executive Career Transition Coaching

steve@executiveconnexions.com | P: +44 (0) 7508 018470 | www.executiveconnexions.com


Registered Office: 20-22 Wenlock Road, London, N1 7GU, UK


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