How to build resilient leaders in schools

How important is resilience to your leadership?The past few years have thrown our schools into many situations where there just aren't any playbooks to guide us.✏️ School closures from the pandemic.✏️ Mask policies.✏️ Reopening schools.✏️ Navigating...

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Jul 04, 2024
Extroverts = better leaders?

Fact or myth: extroverts make better leaders than introverts?Carl Jung in 1921 coined the terms "extrovert" and "introvert" to reflect how different personality types directed and received their energy.Extroverts would direct their energy outwards, a...

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Jun 19, 2024
Light that leadership fire 🔥

How did you first become a leader?I've been asking this question a lot to my guests on the Engaging Leadership show.Their answers may surprise you.The vast majority of superintendents shared that they had been entirely focused on making a difference...

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May 29, 2024
🎓 why should leaders love graduation season?

There's magic that happens at the end of each academic year.Graduations.From one grade to another.From one school building to another.From one stage of life to another.Why are graduations important?For students, graduation marks the end of one big st...

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May 22, 2024
How school leaders build culture intentionally

What can we learn from a Superintendent of the Year who has reviewed dozens of books by educational leaders about school culture for his PhD?I spoke to Dr. Jamie Nutter recently, who currently works closely with superintendents in 31 school districts...

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May 15, 2024
How to get a crucible leadership moment right

There are a few crucible moments in an educator's career.Moments where fires of the forge of experience burn to leave an indelible mark. For better, or for worse.By their nature and by definition, over a forty-some year career you would run into mayb...

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May 08, 2024
The key ingredient to learning and leadership

"No significant learning can happen without first the creation of a significant relationship."This gem of wisdom hit me in a recent conversation with a district leader.It was in reference to her time as an educator, and how student learning plays out...

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May 01, 2024