Lesson for Theresa May – A bird in hand…

Trying to make sense of it all. The media says that Labour will increase taxes and their sums don’t add up in the manifesto. Conservatives are the country’s only hope as they are the one’s with a charismatic leader who can ‘see us all through’. The B...

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Jun 04, 2017
I am feeling sick, Manchester!

What is bothering me very much is that I am finding an idea taking hold in my psyche and it is a very disturbing one. We have all heard of ‘conspiracy theories’ citing the possibility of false flags in many recent ‘terrorist attacks’ around the world...

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May 25, 2017
America’s bipolar condition exposed!

This election campaign for 2016 has highlighted and brought to surface the underlying fears, prejudices, hatred, compassion, aspirations and dreams of a whole population and exposed the major chasm between the several sections of the American populat...

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Jun 04, 2016
Does the whole world hate Muslims?

One thing that has triggered off this article is the compassion and generosity of the human kind. Two recent world events, namely the downing of the civilian Malaysian plane and the on-going atrocities in Gaza, have proven that human tragedy brings p...

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Jul 20, 2014
Lok Sabha Elections in India – 2014

The collective psyche of ‘Indians’ loves pain and cannot dream of being a progressive, forward thinking society because people so want to stick to what they know and not change!

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May 24, 2014
Financial Crisis – the aftermath!

(This article has been in my head for several months and further thoughts have appeared since the London Riots, which will need to appear in a separate article now!) 2007/2008 saw the collapse of some of the biggest names in the financial industry; b...

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Sep 11, 2011
Being green

Going Green is a big farce! Are you sick of some of the bigger corporations and organisations with those big ‘going green’ claims? I am. Let me cite a few recent conversations and issues I have had and will let you understand my feelings on this. I l...

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Sep 19, 2009