What will you do?

Mar 26, 2023 6:09 pm

If you started at zero. No skills, no money, no education, no connections, and you wanted to build a business, here are the things you would probably discover you NEED to do.

  • Build a website

  • Start growing a social media following

  • Write a book on your topic

  • Go to networking events

  • Cold call customers

  • Slide into hundreds of people’s direct messages

  • Go on podcasts

  • Write blog posts every day

  • Catch trends happening on TikTok

  • Start filming YouTube shorts, cuz that’s in right now

  • Learn investing

  • Learn accounting

  • Learn how to code

  • Learn how to delegate and manage people

  • Start waking up early and taking ice baths

This is a tiny fraction of the things people will guarantee you need to do if you start asking the internet how to build a business that gives you the freedom you want in your life.

Of course, they will follow up with, “my (course, book, guide, program) will show you exactly how to do it.”

But there is something obviously missing here.

You CAN’T do all these things. Nor would doing it all, or even a fraction of it, guarantee any kind of actual success.

What they miss is that whether or not you are successful actually has very little to do with all the activities you do to move toward that goal.

Whether or not you are successful is 100% determined by whether or not the market (customers) actually wants what you have to sell.

If customers do want what you have, then and only then will any of the thousands of tactics matter. If they don’t, there is no marketing, sales, education, personal development, etc.. that can save you.

In other words, making the right decision on WHAT to do, will take you a lot further than focusing on HOW you do it.

And determining what to do is both simple and complicated.

The simple answer, if you are looking for financial success, is whatever the marketplace is willing to pay you way more than you put into something. Said another way: do what is profitable.

What that thing is, is hard to determine. Not because it’s more complicated than rocket science. But because nearly nobody teaches it.

How to do is the job of a manager. Someone who can show up to work and get the job done that they were told to do.

What to do is the job of a strategist. Someone who is constantly on the lookout for profitable opportunities. This is where all the real money is made.

What does that mean for you? It means it’s time to start educating yourself on discovering opportunities.
