How To Use AI To Make Money

Jan 07, 2023 7:01 pm


AI (artificial intelligence) has been usable to the common person for over a year now. The main use I saw for it in the marketing world was AI copywriting.

Softwares like,,, are all using AI to help people write better copy.

Then on November 30th 2022, something happened that made AI mainstream.

Open AI, a company run by Sam Altman and confounded by Elon Musk, launched ChatGPT.

ChatGPT is just an AI bot that you can chat with. You can ask it nearly any question. This went viral on Twitter and by December 4th (5 days later) over a million people created accounts to try it out.

It’s the fastest software to ever reach a million users.

Around the same time, Open AI made their API available to anyone. Meaning any developer with an idea of how to use their AI tools can now build on top of the platform.

What does this mean?

Well, in the world of digital marketing, there is already a frenzy taking place. Here is what I predict will happen.

The first people to adopt these incredible tools will be marketing freelancers, contractors, and agencies who are constantly under pressure to be at the cutting edge of all things marketing. (like me)

Once they develop the best practices for using these tools for marketing, they will run circles around everybody for a year. A good comparison here is the content creators who committed to TikTok early.

Then, startup founders looking for ways to grow their company without costing an arm and a leg will look to use AI marketing tools. How? They’ll write 10 times the social media posts and blog posts in a quarter of the time to start getting traffic on other sites sooner.

They’ll also use it to write more email newsletters. In other words, all a sudden a small team can produce as much content as a 20-person marketing team could in the past.

Finally, mediocre marketing teams won’t have a choice.

To put this into perspective, there is a small business acquisition strategy going around where you buy a small business that hasn’t modernized (using old cash register system, doesn’t do any digital back-end management, doesn’t promote itself or manage relationships using software) and modernize it.

These acquirers have a quick path to increasing the value of a business they just purchased by doing that.

Soon, people will see the same opportunity with AI. They will look at businesses that haven’t been AI-enabled as arbitrage opportunities.

AI will dramatically reduce the amount of marketing labor needed to run a well-organized digital marketing machine. There will be managers who hold out to protect themselves and their low-performing employees.

They will get away with it for a while. But in 2 years, AI-enabled marketing will be the standard, and they will be dinosaurs.

How can you take advantage of this?

Why should you care? What should you do?

The answer is simple.

If you haven’t started making money online, but you have aspirations to, now is the time.

If you have already started your business, and you’re looking for ways to get more customers, this is your opportunity.

Content Marketing has been the height of marketing efficiency for the past 10 years. The problem was, it still wasn’t that efficient. You might not have to spend money on ads, but it is laborious to produce consistent content on multiple channels.

Now, the cost of that production has been cut by at least 90%.

Before AI ever became usable, the barrier to entry to start a business had already dropped down to near zero because of entrepreneurship tools developed on the internet.

Now, and maybe for a short time, until everybody else catches on, it couldn’t be easier.

If you like the ideas in this email, let me know! AI is fresh, and I’m happy to dig into it more tactically.
