What should you prioritize this summer?

Jun 06, 2023 4:54 am



For many school is out and you have more time to train, or you want to channel the "relaxation" of the summer season to make some improvements in your performance.

But what should you prioritize?

I strongly suggest improving your sleep.

You can check out this article by the Sleep Foundation that lists all the benefits of sleep:

  • improved speed and strength,
  • improved shooting accuracy and fewer turnovers in basketball,
  • improved turn times and kick strokes in swimmers,
  • improved serve accuracy in tennis players

And all the risks of sleep deprivation like:

  • inhibited ability,
  • decreased accuracy,
  • quicker exhaustion
  • decreased reaction time
  • difficulty learning and decision-making, and
  • increased risk for injury and illness

But as you read the list of suggestions to improve sleep, you will likely find them familiar.

Like you know this already, but what do you do with all these suggestions?

There is a reason you aren't getting your 8-9 hours. And it's hurting you. But do you know what to do about it?

The issue is typically this:

We have access to information ... but lack help putting it into action.

So I have two options for you:



In this 90-minute workshop, you will be led through several worksheets that will identify your greatest barriers to a restful night's sleep, identify the behavior changes you need to make to overcome them and create a specific, personalized bedtime routine for you to maximize your recovery.

All for just $37.

And to help you even more, I've just created additional 1-on-1 coaching sessions to help you complete the worksheets and make the changes.

Look I've been there. I have some courses I bought with the best of intentions, and then never watched.

Or I studied all the information but then needed some assistance putting it into action.

Or I had the best of intentions, but the lack of accountability prevented me from actually getting started and making the progress I was looking for.

If this sounds familiar, you have the option at check out to add Sleep Support: three (3) 1-on-1 coaching sessions with me to help you get that good night's rest.

These 25-min laser coaching sessions will help you make immediate progress in the following ways:

  • Session 1: One week after purchase to review all completed worksheets and set first behavior change goal to improve rest and recovery.
  • Session 2: One week after Session 1 to measure behavior change and overcome challenges.
  • Session 3: Two weeks after Session 2 to measure improved sleep and performance results, problem-solve remaining challenges, and plan for maintaining these improvements.

The Sleep Your Way to the Top Workshop has everything you need so you can sleep better tonight to play better tomorrow ...

... and if you want to ensure you take action, with increased accountability and access to me - then opt-in for the "Sleep Support" coaching at check-out.

Recover well,

Dr. Eddie


Dr. Eddie O’Connor


