Do you react to anxiety in these hurtful ways?

Nov 13, 2021 3:23 am



Our natural response to anxiety is not a helpful one. I give you an extra 60 seconds in my latest #MTin60sec video to explain why and what to do instead.

Then for my injured athletes (and parents, coaches and medical staff that work with them) I have a FREE registration link for a live webinar, "Navigating the Medical System" where I serve as a panelist on


When Anxiety Blinds You

You only have 3 choices to deal with your anxiety.

Two will hurt performance. One helps. 

If you imagine your anxiety is your hand, it could get real close to you and blind you. It will look huge and block out all other things in your life. You won’t be able to see anything else that is real in your life. If I throw a ball at you, you will get hit in the face. You can’t focus on your fear and play your sport at the same time.

So you must get rid of your anxiety then, right?




Like your hand, we can’t get rid of anxiety. Anxiety is normal and beneficial. It is one of our 4 basic human emotions. 

So when we struggle to get rid of it our performance suffers. We cannot focus on playing our sport and fight anxiety at the same time. So we must learn to perform with anxiety. Let our anxiety be as it is, and direct our attention elsewhere. 

This is accepting what is. Anxiety is an unpleasant experience. Get distance and observe it as simply that - an unpleasant experience that you do not need to interact with. That you do not need to change or get rid of. 

Rather, accept that it is there (because it is) and move your attention to What’s Important Now to be your best. (This is usually an action step you can execute).

... If you could use help with your performance anxiety, check out Success Stories Membership: a community of high achievers with anxiety developing the physical and mental habits necessary to perform with consistency and excellence at




How can you find health care providers who understand the mindset of an athlete? When—and how—can you seek a second opinion? What if you have insurance issues? And how can you truly stay an active member of your own health care team?

Finding medical providers you trust is critical to your recovery from injury, but all too often, barriers stand between you and the treatment you need and deserve. We've convened an expert panel who gets it, and will offer their advice on navigating the system, communicating clearly, and handling pain and other setbacks.

Register HERE

… and if you're currently in rehab, consider tele-health consulting and let me help you get back in the game faster and more safely.


Dr. Eddie O’Connor
