Solutions to Overcome Your Pain and Lack of Motivation
Dec 17, 2020 6:01 pm
So last week I spoke about commitment. But isn't it easier to get stuff done when you have the motivation? While we can't always control it, there are three specific ways to increase it. I explain in the first video.
My second picture summarizes a core belief that I have about success, and how pain plays a vital role in it.
Be well,
Dr. Eddie
Increasing Internal Motivation
You lack motivation. You want the goal, but can’t commit to the process of achieving it. You are inconsistent and lack the intensity needed to succeed … Maybe you are a coach, parent or supervisor and you haven’t been able to motivate your athlete, child or employee to get the best out of them.
How to Overcome:
Three things best increase motivation (and the lack of or opposite of these three will decrease it):
- Competence - Motivation is increased when we feel like we are good at something. Positive self-talk and compliments from others will increase motivation. Criticism will decrease it.
- Autonomy - Motivation is increased when we have a choice. We do it because we want to, not have to. Being forced to do something will decrease it.
- Relatedness - Motivation is increased when we are surrounded by supportive others who value who we are and what we are doing. The lack of such relationships decreases it.
Check out “The Psychology of Performance: How to Be Your Best in Life” at for the Increasing Internal Motivation lesson and 23 other sport psychology topics that will enhance your performance!
What if it wasn't about setting big goals and having a 3, 5, or 7-year plan for success?
What if it was the daily discomfort, the doubt, the distraction and lack of motivation.
Progress hurts. Improvement hurts ... and we are often consumed with chasing happiness and comfort.
You aren't wrong or bad for wanting pleasure. You're human and humans are built that way.
But champions are special humans that do things differently.
Get on the Success Stories Membership wait list at I am working on some exciting features right now for when I open the doors to you again in February 2021.
You aren't going to want to miss this.
Resources For You
Are you subscribed to my YouTube Channel? Over 200 videos to help enhance your performance, organized by topical playlists such as "Motivation", "Anxiety" and "Coping with COVID-19."
Dr. Eddie O’Connor