5 + 3 = Your Best Performance

Jan 15, 2021 6:15 am




How do five and three add up to your best performance? The "math" is in my two videos below:

  • 5 Easy Ways to Improve Your Focus
  • 3 Strategies to Overcome the Obstacles to Your Goals

With these eight action steps, you will be well prepared to focus your attention and have the strength to persevere toward your goals.

Just in time too because January 17 is officially "Ditch New Year's Resolution Day" and I'm not a fan of it. I want you to get the results you are looking for.

These videos will help.

** Oh, and pay special attention to the second one, the "3 Strategies to Overcome Obstacles to Your Goals", and notice as a preview that the entire video has captions at the bottom! This is another feature added to Success Stories Membership where every video will have both audio and text and transcript (if you prefer to read) options available!!!!

Many people watch video without sound.

Now you don't have to miss a word!

Get on the Membership wait list ... I open the doors late February with new content organized and transcribed to help you make progress faster and easier than ever before!


Dr. Eddie


5 Easy Ways to Improve Your Focus


Your mind races. There is too much to do, too much to think about. So much is going through your mind. At best you progress slowly with a clouded and distracted mind making mistakes along the way. At worst, you find yourself paralyzed, unable to move forward.


Watch HERE

How to Overcome:

It starts with focusing your attention with these 5 steps:

1. Decide to concentrate (yes, it is an intentional choice)

2. Focus on one thing at a time (avoid multi-tasking)

3. Do what you are thinking and think about what you are doing. Have your head and body in the same place at the same time

4. Focus on what you can control

5. When nervous, focus outward. We usually get distracted by inward thoughts and feelings


3 Strategies to Overcome the Obstacles to Your Goals


You have a goal and a plan to achieve it, but after a few weeks you’re no longer excited about it and it’s hard to keep going. Or a challenge comes up and you feel overwhelmed and unsure about what to do next, so you do nothing. 


Watch the video on the NEW Success Stories Platform HERE

How to Overcome

Expect adversity. You know what gets in your way. It’s been showing up for years, maybe your entire life. Use the following three guidelines to come up with the strongest plan to overcome these expected barriers:

  1. Tie your actions to your identity. Let your identity (for example as an athlete, as a healthy person, as a Christian, or as a “hard worker”) inform your behaviors … and let your behaviors reinforce your identity. 
  2. Don’t rely on will power to do the “right thing”. Be courageous. Look at and address the thoughts, emotions and urges that prevent you from doing what you want to do. 
  3. Then come up with a plan that specifically addresses and better meets the need of your sabotaging behavior. 

If you would like assistance with this, I invite you to join Success Stories Membership.

Get on the wait list now at www.dreddieoconnor.com/membership to be the first to know when doors open again in late February. 

Dr. Eddie O’Connor


