I spoke to Bobby and he said this ...
Sep 01, 2023 9:15 pm
I'm excited to see how many of you appreciated the invite to Legal Is Not a Dirty Word and already signed up.
Others asked questions and wanted to know more.
So I had an interview with Bobby to ask him.
He took the time to answer all and explain exactly how he can help us with the legal challenges in our online businesses (issues I didn't even know we had!)
You can catch that interview here (and get a great feel for how he cares about the people he serves):
If you are still thinking about it, reply to this e-mail and I'd be happy to chat with you about how it helped me in my business. This is why I became an affiliate and am sharing. I want to share the value with my community. We can set up a call or have an e-mail convo.
Also reply if you want to keep hearing about the event details as it starts Sept. 5th and goes through the 26th. Reply with a simple "yes" or "keep talking" or "tell me more" and I'll set up a special list for those who are still interested and debating.
I'll send one more invite to everyone, but then I'll keep the rest of the education for those only if you request it.
If you know you want in now (YAY!) sign up for this FREE event using my link here.
Here are the event details:
- What: A limited-time event filled with bite-sized video lessons and interactive legal guides to help us get close-to-custom legal guidance for our online businesses!
- When: Sept 5-26, 2023
- Where: It’s all online… and totally self-serve! Videos will start dropping Sept 5th, but you’ll get access to the guide as soon as you sign up.
- Time Commitment: About 10 minutes. No, seriously. Each resource he made is designed to take you around 10 minutes to get through.
- Cost: FREE! As in ZERO dollars and ZERO cents.
Otherwise, I'll send one more invite because I REALLY believe in this special opportunity and then that's it unless you ask for more :-)
I'm excited for us!
Dr. Eddie
Dr. Eddie O’Connor