Are you overwhelmed? Suggestions to help are inside.
May 07, 2021 3:31 pm
Happy Friday
I was lucky to interview once again on the Sports Project Radio Show and tackle issues of nutrition and overwhelm with Steve. Give a listen.
Sleep not only helps with recovery and overwhelm, but builds muscle too. Read more below on the #1 performance enhancer.
And if you are feeling overwhelmed, just stop. Scroll down to read how with a quick but effective strategy.
Have a fantastic weekend,
Dr Eddie
Overcoming Overwhelm with Recovery
Dr. Eddie and Steve Project recognize the difficulty of following a solid nutrition plan. They discuss how your athletic identity can keep you motivated and specific strategies to stop the feelings of overwhelm to keep moving in the right direction.
We review nutrition strategies by nutritionist Wendi Irlbeck, including how sleep affects your diet. The interview concludes with the risks of burnout and how you can prevent it by prioritizing recovery with specific suggestions that will help you excel.
Listen here:
Sleep for Strength
Sleep makes you stronger. If you are wanting to put on muscle, sleep more and better.
Here is the science:
HGH or Human Growth Hormone is an important part of cell and tissue repair. HGH helps build lean muscle mass and assists with weight loss. The brain releases HGH into the bloodstream during Stage 3 sleep, also known as deep sleep, which occurs about an hour after you first fall asleep and about four or five times throughout the night.
About 25% of your overall sleep time is spent in this stage of sleep and it is the most restorative part of sleep. If you’re not getting enough sleep hours, chances are your body is not getting enough time to get through multiple cycles of Stage 3 sleep and, therefore, not releasing the optimal amount of HGH.
If you want to get swole, get to bed early (before midnight) because the vast majority of these deep sleep cycles occur in the first half of the night according to your circadian rhythm. You miss the opportunity to maximize your HGH when you stay up late.
If you’d like assistance improving your sleep to improve your performance, I’d love to assist you with individual consulting at
Overwhelmed? Just Stop
Today’s lesson is simple - and one we often refuse to do. When you are overwhelmed, just stop. Literally stop. Stop thinking and doing. All those racing thoughts and busy actions are exhausting you and not helping.
When you are overwhelmed, you have more than you can handle at that moment. Respect that feeling, and stop.
Not forever. Just for a few moments. Stop to gather yourself. Forget about all you have to do the future and get into this moment. What’s Important Now (WIN)?
Then do that one thing.
You can do that one thing.
You just have to stop first ...
Check out Success Stories Membership, my online community that will help you reduce overwhelm and make progress towards your goals.
Dr. Eddie O’Connor