Cancelling Powell River

Is it just me, dear reader, or is our Canada becoming an increasingly bizarre fever dream? Our Prime Minister believes that the country he governs is not a nation at all, but rather a “post-national state with no core identity”. Land acknowledgements...

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Feb 10, 2024
The Soft Economic Cost of Toronto’s Speed Cameras

Imagine, if you will: you are driving back from a Christmas party with friends on December 23rd, the day before Christmas Eve. It has been an academically challenging semester, and you really enjoyed spending time destressing during an evening chatti...

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Feb 08, 2024
If it Ain’t Woke, Don’t Fix it

Much has happened since I last visited a column of my unfiltered thoughts upon the good people of this town. A fierce snowstorm blanketed our unsuspecting Dominion, seeking and destroying house pipes with surgical precision. Our Prime Minister took a...

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Jan 27, 2024
Betrayal and Deceit

Short lived were the days of the mid-2010s where wokeness could be portrayed as a new phenomenon mostly confined to college campuses. Conservatives realized it wasn’t true that the blue-haired Social Justice Warriors of viral YouTube clips would soon...

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Jan 15, 2024