There Are Two Kinds Of People

There is a witty one liner that “There are two types of people in the world: Those who divide the people in the world into two types, and those who don’t” often attributed to Robert Benchley. Other variations also exist, like “There are two kinds of...

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Mar 11, 2024
Woke Book Censors Strike Again!

“Until I feared I would lose it, I never loved to read. One does not love breathing.” – To Kill a Mockingbird Harper Lee’s To Kill a Mockingbird will no longer be on the recommend reading list in Surrey schools. But rest assured, says Surrey school d...

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Mar 08, 2024
Canadian Banks Financing Mass Immigration Lobby

Canadian banks – Bank of Montreal, ScotiaBank and TD Bank – are funding the mass-immigration advocacy group Century Initiative, whose goal is to increase Canada’s population by 60 million people by 2100. Why would banks support this lobby group? Beca...

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Mar 05, 2024
It’s The U.S. That’s Broken, Not Canada

It is hard to believe that it was way back in November 2022 that Pierre Poilievre, during a press conference, first claimed that “it feels like everything is broken in this country right now.” Poilievre never really defined what “everything” included...

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Mar 04, 2024
Time For Common Sense On Immigration

Contrary to allegations from my esteemed critics, I do not write about mass immigration because I am obsessed with it. I write about mass immigration because Canada’s elites are obsessed with it, fanatically jacking up the numbers despite serious neg...

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Feb 23, 2024
Ten Reasons To Oppose Mass Immigration To Canada

“We wanted workers…but we got people instead.” – Swiss novelist Max Frisch, referring to the foreign ‘guest workers’ allowed into Europe after the Second World War. 1) Housing Crisis This one is simple enough: prices are determined by the relationshi...

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Feb 22, 2024
Electoral Reform Is Dead! Long Live Electoral Reform!

You may be familiar with the Serenity Prayer: “God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, courage to change the things I can, and wisdom to know the difference.” American culture and movies, which dominate Canadian culture as wel...

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Feb 21, 2024
Death Of Merit In Canada? Eric Lombardi Misses The Target

Brian Graff responds to Eric Lombardi’s piece “The death of merit, the birth of aristocracy, and Canada’s quiet descent into neofeudalism”, originally published in The Hub. Rube Goldberg was a famous cartoonist in the 1930s who created visions of cra...

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Feb 15, 2024