
I’ve recently become homeless. Not homeless, but houseless. Not houseless, but a nomad. I moved my stuff to a storage unit and hopped on a plane to Mexico. The post Homeless. appeared first on DJ Schofield.

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May 31, 2024
How I Became an Expert at DOMO in One Year.

10,000 hours. That’s what they say. The problem is, there aren’t even 10,000 hours in a year. So what’s the formula? How did I become super good at DOMO in one year? Well, let me first explain my background. I wasn’t starting from ground zero. I’ve b...

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Feb 21, 2024
The Dating App Rat Race

You’ve heard of “the rat race.” Probably referring to work, corporate jobs, or life in general. Dating apps have become a part of this rat race. The post The Dating App Rat Race appeared first on DJ Schofield.

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Feb 21, 2024
Work in Progress

This is a test of my work in progress. The post Work in Progress appeared first on DJ Schofield.

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Feb 20, 2024
Will You Make It.

In America, for the most part, everyone has an equal opportunity. This is a positive thing and a symptom of capitalism. The post Will You Make It. appeared first on DJ Schofield.

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Dec 26, 2023
3 Ways to Design the Life You Want

It’s a Tuesday morning. I’m drinking a cold brew by the river, writing. I work remotely with the ability to travel to wherever I want, get coffee whenever/wherever I want, go to the gym whenever I want, and live on my own terms. This is the life I ch...

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Dec 09, 2023
Build The F****** Empire

Today, I’m in rare form. I realized I wanted to build a fucking empire. Very Mark Manson of me, I know. I don’t want an average middle-class life with a white picket fence, a wife, and a few kids. I want an empire. I want to experience things most pe...

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Jul 27, 2023
2022 Recap

In 2021 I said I was going to travel less, spend more time in Atlanta, and work my butt off. Well, the travel-less part didn’t exactly happen. I traveled more this year than any other year in my life. I also traveled further than I ever have. Was it...

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Dec 31, 2022
Traveling Office and Digital Nomad Setup

Travel is one of my favorite things to do. For the past three years, I have lived a semi-nomad life. For example, in 2022, I was away from home for 67% of the days. Most days were spent in hotels, Airbnb’s, VRBO, or friends/family places. Some of thi...

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Dec 27, 2022