A Gold Satin Murder on Sale

Jul 20, 2023 3:51 pm

Hi, everyone. I hope you’re managing to stay cool enough to enjoy summer and catch up on reading. The Unpredictable Reads newsletter signup promo is still available until July 31st, so be sure to take advantage of new reads in the horror, suspense and thriller genres.

imageCasey Holland mystery #7, A Gold Satin Murder, the latest in my series, is now on sale for $.99. This novella shows the lighter side of Casey’s work. Here’s a short blurb:

Transit cop Casey Holland has never met a bus passenger like the charming artist and exotic dancer, Eduardo. When he’s charged with murder, Casey’s search for answers takes her and her best friend Kendal to a troupe of strippers known as Man Cave. While the men are busy peeling off their clothes, Casey’s peeling back layers of secrets and betrayal. Nuttier than her usual adventures, the risk is just as deadly in this seventh installment of the Casey Holland transit mysteries.

This promo features mystery/suspense/thriller novels that are all part of a series. The BookFunnel link is HERE

In my last newsletter, I promised another anecdote from my days working in security at a post-secondary campus, and posed the question: what do you think was one of the most commonly broken campus rules and who broke it most? The answer is teaching student drivers on campus parking lots, a rule broken by the parents of teenage drivers nearly every Sunday.

To be fair, the parents didn’t know about the campus’s no teaching-your-kids-to-drive rule until we told them. Since there was always a risk of hitting one of the few parked cars or a pedestrian, the liability issues made campus authorities nervous. Sunday’s sparsely used lots, however, were viewed as a perfect place to practice backing in and out of stalls, clutch-shifting on manuals, and learning how to apply brakes in wintry conditions. There were a few close calls but no actual incidents while I worked there, except for perhaps a dented garbage dumpster.

Requests to deal with simple-sounding nuisance issues are part of the job, but as Casey finds in A Gold Satin Murder, simple can soon turn into complicated, dangerous, and kind of icky.

Until next time, happy reading!

Debra Purdy Kong




Mysteries on the Move…
