Awesome Summer Deals

Jul 13, 2024 2:26 pm

I hope July is going well for you. Here in Vancouver, we went through a heatwave for a few days, but things have cooled off somewhat. The downside is that wildfire risks have risen.

I finally finished writing the first draft of my second urban fantasy. The manuscript is about 98,000 words, which is the same length as the first one. I’m now taking a short break for a family vacation before reading the entire novel straight through. This is a multi-generational story with a lot of moving parts, so I need to see if the story actually works.

On the promotion front, BookFunnel is offering a Kiss of Death group promo featuring the work of 27 mystery and suspense authors. Some of the offerings are sample chapters and excerpts which is perfect for those of you who don’t have a lot of time. You can find the link HERE.

imageSmashwords has also launched a huge summer sale for books in all genres. Thousands of books are available at discounted prices. If you’re looking for fun beach reads, I’m offering all seven of my Casey Holland mysteries at a 75% discount, which you can find HERE:

And here’s the link to the sale in general, in case you’re interested in searching other genres.

Meanwhile, I’ll leave you with one of my favourite quotes, which I picked up from Crime Writers of Canada years ago. It’s practically our motto:

Crime doesn’t pay, nearly well enough.

As always, I welcome any feedback on things you’d like to see in my newsletter.

Until next time,

Debra Purdy Kong

Mysteries on the Move…
