Get it out there

Mar 10, 2022 9:12 am

What does your content production process look like?

Do you spend hours meticulously finding every detail before you hit publish?

While that works well for some sites it's not the most effective strategy.

Most sites need to simply get it out there.

You might pick a topic that you're confident needs 1,000 words to rank.

You know you probably won't rank it any time soon.

So why does it have to be perfect?

Calculated risk?

You're missing out on something by doing that.

You could publish two articles both at 500 words and get them online.

It takes around 6-9 months for most content to reach maximum potential assuming you're not getting any backlinks.

You need articles aging.

The other thing is that Google likes to see content being updated regularly.

So those are some of the benefits.

All while you could have double the amount of content on the site, and remember a good percentage of that will rank even when you thought it wouldn't.

It's always been a numbers game.

You've just got to go back and edit the articles. So it's a change for some people's processes, but getting it out there is a good strategy for new sites or sites looking to tackle new topics that they think might be too difficult to rank for right now.

Stack your assets by getting it out there.

avatar Raitis
True. Been lately thinking it may also apply to keyword research? I jot down all the possible keywords an article could rank. Now looking back I may also not do that for less relevant articles. Noticing that for some articles I never actually ended up using that data.