Oh Hey: Liberation Jubilation *Bonus Episode*

Oct 13, 2020 5:40 pm

Hi ,

2020 has been a year of awakening for me and so many others. I'm on fire for all things decolonization.

The damage that colonization has done to the consciousness of over half the world's population is mind boggling. If >50% sounds like an exaggeration , see the image below



That said, it's decolonization season. If you haven't gotten around to looking at how your body image has bee negatively impacted by colonization, drop everything and register for my Decolonize Your Body Image workshop right now.

We won't get stuck in ruminating over the past. This class will focus on how we can move beyond the damaging messages we have been fed and reclaim healthy relationships with our self-image.

Let's get a jump on the binge eating/holiday season and head body shame off at the pass.

I am not charging for this workshop.

Please share it with anyone you think this might resonate with.


🎥 Decolonize Your Body Image


Click here to subscribe to the YouTube Channel and get an alert when the webinar begins

In other news

I recently had the pleasure of making a guest appearance on fellow queer podcast "Oh Hey"

"Oh Hey" is a fun show lead by two gay guys from different generations.

Every week they discuss current topics in the LGBTQ+ community.

Ryan and Todd leave no topic untouched. As such be warned that this bonus episode is NSFW but its a ton of fun.

🗒️ Oh Hey: Liberation Jubilation *Bonus Episode*


Click here to listen to the podcast



