Instagram Logo"One Really Dumb Thing I Did Trying To Restart My Career Anyone who knows me, knows I am all about getting results for my #FinanciallyFocused private coaching clients and #FinancialSuccessAcademy students - but success doesn't come with its share of missteps... I want to tell you about one of the biggest mistakes I made when trying to shift from blending journalism and coaching to building a wider audience through traditional televison. I did not build my digital marketing skills and it was difficult to monetize my skills in this internet area without excellent training. Of course, I invested in bettering my coaching skills with #NLPMasterPractionerTraining. Of course, I improved my wealth building skills with training in #Banking&MonetaryManagement through #UniversityOfShanghai to supplement my #MBA in #BankingandFinance through the #MonaSchoolofBusiness&Management. I built my #RealEstateInvesting skills with support from #TaylorLawPrivateClient services. And I worked for over 15 years in #investmentbanking. However, it was #AliciaLyttle and the team at #InternetIncomeJamaica that helped me to correct one of my biggest professionals blunder. I am happy to share with my #FinancialSuccessCoaching clients that I along with so many persons did not invest in learning digital marketing. So you don't have to go through the frustration that I did! When I first started #FinanciallyFocused I wanted to grow as a #helpingprofessional so bad. I thought I could shortcut the process by jumping on television, doing awesome interviews and building the brand name WITHOUT building out a social media plan to reach a wider audience and be more intentional in helping my clients create #financialsuccess through #InnerMillionaire coaching on and through courses on #12FinancialPowerTools. Instead of growing as a #helpingprofessional, I was attracting the wrong people to my business and wasting my time. The things we do when we are new entrepreneurs." #moneymindsetmastery #financegoals #investingtips #moneymindsettofreedom #financecoach #investing101