Finding Your Dream Customer Online

Whatever may be your business type but you can't serve everyone. There is no product in this world which is made for everyone. So finding your dream customer is crucial. Because if you are trying to sell everyone, actually you are selling to no one....

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Jun 17, 2020
Importance of Giving Value in Digital Marketing.

In traditional marketing methods like TV commercials, Newspapers ads, or Radio ads, there is only talk about the product. They talk about product features and benefits. They generally don't try to add value in your life by providing knowledge and ski...

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Jun 16, 2020
Scope of Digital Marketing In Future.

Digital marketing is has evolved over the past few years. People are spending their time on social media and the internet. Over the past few years as the number of internet users has increased and people spending many hours on the internet. Companies...

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Apr 29, 2020
How To Find Your Niche For Amazon Affiliate Niche Site.

Finding your niche is the first step for making your Amazon affiliate micro niche site. If you don't have the clarity about your Niche, you cannot succeed because your content will be completely random. Once you have the clarity about it you can crea...

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Apr 08, 2020
How To Promote Your Business Using Local SEO.

If you are a business owner providing your products or services in your locality then there is a great opportunity that maybe you are missing out to get more customers. This opportunity is your presence on search engines like Google. You must bring y...

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Mar 07, 2020
Top 5 Digital Marketing Trends In 2020

In this video, I am going to talk about the top 5 Digital Marketing Trends In 2020. I am going to talk about these 5 things: 1. Voice Search 2. Influencer Marketing 3. Chatbot Marketing 4. Facebook Ads 5. Video Marketing So please listen this episode...

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Feb 22, 2020
Why Personal Branding in 2020.

Why it is important to do personal branding in 2020? The Reason for doing personal branding is to raise your value in the market. People go with brands. People don't just buy products they buy from brands. Take your example. If you have two products...

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Jan 22, 2020
Best Structure For Your Blog Post.

Writing an engaging blog post for your blog in a crucial thing. There is a structure we need to follow to write a blog post which is engaging and also SEO friendly. There are six major components in any blog post. It includes heading, introduction, s...

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Dec 13, 2019